Chronic pain, inflammation, and limited mobility are some of the hardest things to live with and can impact your confidence to live your life to the fullest. Whether committing to work, social events, or just the daily routine of taking care of yourself, living with chronic pain, inflammation, and limited mobility makes even the simplest tasks seem impossible.
At Dynamic Chiropractic, we offer our patients shockwave therapy, also known as acoustic pressure wave therapy. It is an FDA-approved device that uses acoustic pressure waves, which penetrate deep into tissues to cause "micro-trauma." This "trauma" stimulates the body's natural healing responses, including developing newer, healthier blood vessels in the affected area and promoting the natural production of cells.
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) has been a physical therapy modality for 20 years. Professional athletes in respected organizations like the NBA plagued by injuries have received ESWT and recovered with great success for many years. This therapy effectively treats sports injuries, tendon injuries, ligament injuries, muscle pain, and other soft tissue injuries.
Shockwave Therapy helps reduce chronic pain and inflammation that causes limited mobility.
The device used for this treatment provides calculated, computerized pain relief to treat chronic pain and much more.
Shockwave Therapy has received FDA clearance.
Exam, X-Rays (if needed), and First Shockwave Session for $49.
Our doctors have been trained and certified to treat chronic pain and inflamation.
We customize our treatment plans to ensure you receive the most effective treatment to aid your recovery.
* New Patients Only. Restrictions Apply. Our promise to you: You have the right to rescind, within seventy-two (72) hours, any obligation to pay for services performed in addition to this free or discounted service. For Medicare recipients, this certificate will cover a 20-minute conversation with the doctor and a prevention/evaluation health screening. This special does not apply to federal beneficiaries, auto accident cases, or workers comp.